Voluntary Ecological Markets Overview – Version 2
By the Interwork Alliance Sustainability Business Working Group
Published: September 2022
Version 2 of the VEM Overview establishes a model set of standards for tokenization, contractual extensions, workflows, and analytics for voluntary ecological markets. These standards are based on the IWA’s Token Taxonomy Framework, and intend to serve as foundations for using distributed ledger technologies (DLT) to create an auditable and scalable ecosystem for voluntary ecological markets.
This overview is intended as an introduction and basis for further dialogue and cooperation with all relevant stakeholders in the ecosystem. The goal is to cultivate further cooperative efforts on the keystone elements and best practices for tokenization of ecological assets, with the intention to align around a common governance set of standards, specifications, and classification systems.
Voluntary Ecological Markets Overview – Version 1
By the Interwork Alliance Sustainability Business Working Group
Published: June 2021
The goal of the Voluntary Ecological Markets Taskforce (VEM) is to establish the standards for tokenization,
contractual extensions, workflows, and analytics for creating a standards-based ecological market. The IWA and the Sustainability Working
Group continue to revise and refine the specifications outlined in this document.
TOKEN TAXONOMY – The Need for Open-Source Standards Around Digital Assets
by Don Tapscott, Blockchain Research Institute
Published: February 2020
In this research paper, Don Tapscott, CEO of the Tapscott Group and executive chairman of the Blockchain Research Institute, makes clear the need for a universal standard for tokens that is both industry-inclusive and technology-agnostic.