IWA Token Taxonomy Framework
Enables multiple parties to define a common language, behaviors, and properties for a token of value that can be used or exchanged.
Chaired by John DeVadoss (NGD Enterprise)
Enables multiple parties to define a common language, behaviors, and properties for a token of value that can be used or exchanged.
Chaired by John DeVadoss (NGD Enterprise)
Tokens will disrupt global economics and radically change how commerce will be transacted. While various implementations exist today for tokens specific to numerous blockchain platforms, the industry lacks a venue for all participants to collaborate on a shared description and approach – resulting in a lack of interoperability, reuse, and common ground to address regulatory issues. The IWA is this venue, developing a clear definition and scope of the token concept including use cases, taxonomy, and terminology, and a specification neutral to underlying technology.
The Token Taxonomy Framework bridges the gap between developers, line of business executives, and regulators, allowing them to work together to model existing and define new business models based on tokens. The Framework’s purpose is to: