Author: Jackson Ross

  • InterWork Alliance Leaders to Develop Trusted Token Solutions for Global Trade/Supply Chain and DLT Security Sectors

    New Member-led IWA Business Working Groups to Develop Trusted Token Solution Framework and Certification Program to Simplify the Digital Interchange of Tokenized Value Across Sectors Wakefield, Mass. – October 22, 2020 – The InterWork Alliance (IWA) today announced the formation of two new member-led Business Working Groups (BWGs) that…

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  • Real-World Tokens: A Seven-Step Journey into the TTF

    Why Tokenize? The potential to effectively tokenize real-world assets on a digital platform and to efficiently transact at a global scale is creating entirely new asset classes and new markets for hitherto illiquid assets.  Tokens can represent a wide-ranging set of assets and agreements across multiple parties, and their usage…

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  • The Role of the IWA in the Standardization Landscape

    The InterWork Alliance is a non-profit industry organization formed to democratize the digital interchange of value and improve interworking amongst disparate business infrastructures. There are so many challenges to be resolved in this space – transaction speed, efficiency, identity, data protection, regulatory trust, to name a few – and we believe that the best approach is based upon the standardized representation…

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  • Standardizing Sustainability – How the IWA Will Make This Happen

    In an earlier pair of blog posts, I described how the InterWork Alliance came to be and how we are focused on simplifying the digital interchange of tokenized value for virtually any use case (Part 1 and Part 2). In Part 2 I mentioned that sustainability use…

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  • The InterWork Alliance Sustainability Initiative to Develop Trusted Solution for Standardizing Token-based Carbon Emission Accounting, Credits, and Offsetting

    Wakefield, Mass. – July 29, 2020 – The InterWork Alliance (IWA) today announced the formation of its Sustainability Business Working Group, which will focus on making the tokenization of sustainability business use cases possible through standards and a trusted certification program. To date, there is no global standard solution for tokenizing…

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  • The InterWork Alliance – making tokens easy for business (Part 2)

    In my last blog post I described the work we are doing in the InterWork Alliance to improve interworking in the token-powered space by helping organizations come to agreement on how value is represented as tokens, and how contracts are written over those tokens. Let’s now take a look…

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  • Towards the Tokenization of Everything

    It’s all about tokenization “We think the key technological revolution in money and wealth is something called ‘tokenization’.― Beyond Money, Innovation White Paper, UBS group Tokenization has the potential to unlock tremendous value for the global economy. From increased operational efficiency to access to previously illiquid markets, enterprises are…

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  • InterWork Alliance Launches to Standardize Token-Powered Ecosystems Worldwide

    Platform-Neutral Organization Empowers Businesses to Standardize the Interchange of Tokenized Value Across Use Cases and Networks Wakefield, Mass., – June 2, 2020–The InterWork Alliance (IWA) today formally launched operations as a platform-neutral, non-profit organization dedicated to creating the standards frameworks needed to increase innovation across token-enabled ecosystems. Distributed…

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  • The InterWork Alliance – making tokens easy for business (Part 1)

    Exactly how does one go about changing the world? “Our greatest hopes could become reality in the future. With the technology at our disposal, the possibilities are unbounded.”― Stephen Hawking I’ve been driving Microsoft’s blockchain strategy for the cloud even before blockchain became ‘a thing’, and it’s become very clear…

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